How I Achieved 10,000 Keywords rankings under 2 months!

Found this off an FB group wherein a guy started recently (almost 3 months back) and kept on working on it actively since the beginning of January as it took 1 month for the developer to build the website.
Image result for how i rank keyword

About the Website:
  • Age: 3 Months +-
  • Niche: Gaming
  • Total Posts: 130+
  • Average Daily Posts: 2+-
  • Ranking Keywords: 10.5k as of today
  • Monetization: Adsense
  • Backlinks: 2
  • Built-in: Laravel

Without further ado, let's start the case study.

1) Niche Research

Niche research is a very important part of this case study. If it was not for the niche, I couldn't achieve these numbers.

Here's what I kept in mind while doing niche research:
  • The niche should have a lot of keywords to work on.
  • The majority of the keywords should have high search volume.
  • I can publish the posts myself without the help of a writer.
  • I can publish more than 10 posts a day if I wanted to.
  • Keywords should be easy to rank.

I set this criterion because recently I've seen those websites dying which don't update their content regularly (or don't update it all). Past were the days when SEOs used to create a niche website, build some backlinks and leave it for 6 months and the website used to start ranking on its own, but this is not the case now.

If you won't publish new content on your website or update it later then the growth of your website would be slow.

PS: I'm speaking this only from my experience as I run multiple projects. This might not be the case for a few niches.

2) Consistency is the Key

After the right niche research, which completes my criteria, I had my team on updating the new posts daily.

Remember: As I mentioned above, I've seen those websites ranking well which update their content regularly, So I instructed my team to update the content daily no matter what. (Still, we missed some days other than off days but mostly we managed to post daily).

Never to mention all posts should be SEO optimized and the User Experience should be matchless.

3) UX

If we wouldn't have cared about the User Experience, no matter how many posts we've published daily, we couldn't achieve what we've achieved.

As an experienced SEO, you guys must be aware of the importance of UX.

According to my personal experience, no matter how hard you try in SEO, no matter if you follow all the SEO factors but if you don't follow UX, all of your efforts will go to waste.

So pay close attention to UX along with all the SEO factors if you want fast results.

4) Backlinks

I built just 2 article submission links in Feb, 1st on medium and 2nd on hacker noon. Other than that I haven't worked on building backlinks actively on it.

5) Results

This is it. It's all the work I've done on this website according to the best of my knowledge. And the results have been stunning from the start.

We've managed to rank 10.5k keywords in these 2 months, which I don't think is very hard to achieve, if we would've stuck to 10 posts a day, we could achieve 20k or even 30k+ keywords rankings.

And these aren't just any keywords, these are high search volume and high CPC keywords.

Here's a screenshot of best ranking keywords from Ahrefs:
Here's a screenshot of top search volume keywords from Ahrefs:


Achieving Fast results is possible if you play it right. No matter what your niche is, keep posting new content regularly to fasten your growth.

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