[METHOD] Quora trick - find high traffic, low competition niche questions (no tools required)

If you don't have Ahrefs, there's a simpler way to find Quora questions in your niche that you can get easy traffic from.

Google this string:

site:quora.com keyword "1 answer" "view 1 upvoter" "k views"
But substitute "keyword" for your general niche, for example, baseball:

You'll get a list of Quora questions in your niche, with at least 1,000 views, and only 1 answer with a single upvote.

How do you use this trick?

  • Write a better answer to the questions and get yourself 2 upvotes to become the top answer
  • Write a post on your blog that answers the question and link to it from your Quora answer
This method helps you achieve 3 things:
  • Build relevant backlinks from Quora
  • Drive relevant referral traffic from Quora
  • Get popular content ideas for posts you can easily rank for on Google
Have fun with it 

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