Your phone's battery runs out quickly? So adopt this method

Your phone's battery runs out quickly? To adopt this method

With a smartphone battery zero, we would not think anything less than a dream when finding a socket to charge a smartphone anywhere is a test.

If you want your phone's battery to last longer, read this, and try these methods to help you get rid of your smartphone's battery drain quickly.
Leading mobile company customer service director Hamilton says that if you want your smartphone battery to last and not run out of charge, always charge up to 85%.
He said that the battery of the phone should never be completely drained, but as soon as the battery of the smartphone is 25%, charge it immediately but remove it from the socket as fast as 85% is charged.
"Many of us make the mistake that the phone's battery is 100% charged, so doing this constantly affects your phone's lithium battery, causing the battery to start to weaken," he said.
Customer service director Hamilton added that never charge the phone for a durable phone battery because most consumers do not remove the mobile from charging even when they are 100% charging, which is detrimental to the phone's battery. Is proven
Also, to keep the phone's battery safe, keep the screen's 'brightness,' i.e. light, keeping in mind that users can use their phone's battery for reliable and long time.

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