Samsung Mobile Phone Charging Tips Must Should Know

By the way, every mobile phone should be kept in a place where it is not hot up while charging, but this caution about Samsung mobile phones should be high. Because Samsung mobile phone is more burning up than a regular mobile phone. And then, even when the weather is warm, extra caution is needed.

About mobile phone charging, we have explained in detail what to keep in mind while charging.

Today's thread is about Samsung mobile phone charging. If you happen to have more heat up than usually charging during a Kassam mobile phone, you should know that this thing is neither beneficial to you nor your mobile phone.
When a Samsung mobile phone is more hot than usual during charging, the chances of its battery bursting are increased by more than 50%.

So one of the tips in this regard is the service, which will not get your Samsung mobile phone hacked at all during charging. Tips are two ways
Ola so when placing a mobile phone for charging, keep it in a place that is cool or airy. For a mobile phone charging somewhere, do not keep it in the heat at all, whether it is hot or hot, but there is no breeze.

Secondly, if you do not have the facilities mentioned above, then do so to buy a 12 volt PC fan which will be available from any computer market for up to Rs. Take one twelve volts and at least two ampere out foot adapters. Try to get a right breed of adapter
Connect the adapter's pulse to the wire fan's pulse wire and the minus wire of the adapter to the fan's minus wire. When charging, place the adapter in the socket. When the fan is on, but the mobile phone in front of it so that the fan air falls on the mobile phone.
 Likewise, mobile phones will not be heated up. Even if the overnight mobile phone is connected to charging. And not only is the Samsung mobile phone but other mobile phones can benefit from it as well.

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