How To Change IMEI Number In Any Android

change imei number in any android

What is IMEI Number?

IMEI refers to “International Mobile Equipment Identity” number. Every smartphone has different IMEI no. in all over the world. You can check your device IMEI number in a back side of mobile or by dialing *#06# from the dial pad. Got it? Okay, let’s come to the net point.

Why Do We Nee7) Now Reboot your device and on startup check your IMEI number again by dialing *#6#.

change imei number in android
Android IMEI Changer Tool
8) Voila!! Your IMEI number is successfully changed. 🙂
Now, You can also recover your Original IMEI again, you will see it in IMEI Changer app always, so whenever you want to come back on Real IMEI no. of your device, just copy-paste it.

Isn’t it the simplest trick ever to change any Android phone’s IMEI number? I have tried it on many different mobiles and found it working on all of them but this method must need a Rooted phone. If you are unable to root your device then go to my second method in which I explained how to change Android IMEI without root. But that method will not work on all Android phone, that is only for MTK Chipset devices. So I personally recommend you to root your device and go for this easiest way.d to Change IMEI Number?

How to Change IMEI Number in Any Android Phone
There is plenty of benefits which we will get after changing the IMEI of our device. Mostly, for the people who love to use Refer & Earn apps for making money and free recharges. Whenever we created a new account in any app, it will store out IMEI number in its database. And when you try to use your own referral link in order to get referral money through own mobile, it detects your IMEI and you wouldn’t get any referral commission by that app. So, in this case, you can easily solve this issue by changing your Android IMEI number.
Well, also there are lots of other benefits of changing IMEI of your Android phone.

Requirements to Change Android IMEI Number

  • Rooted Android Phone
  • Xposed Installer Must Be Installed In Your Device
  • IMEI Changer App
  • Data Connection
  • Little Mind :-p
These are the little requirements which you have to keep in mind before following this tutorial. Don’t worry, there is nothing special requirement you can easily manage all of these. Whenever you are ready, move on to mail steps.

How To Change IMEI Number In Android

Here is the step-by-step guide to change the IMEI number of your Android phone. I hope you are ready with all requirements, I described in the above section. Let’s come to the method.
1) First of all note real IMEI number of your Android, by this, if you want to turn back on your real IMEI number, you can paste it (Or you will find it later in IMEI Changer App).
Dial *#6# form your mobile Dialpad to get original IMEI number of your phone.
2) Now open Xposed installer app on your device and Tick mark on IMEI Number Changer app’s option.
IMEI Number Changer Apk
3) Now, restart your Android device.
Change IMEI Android without root
4) After restarting, open IMEI Changer app, it will show your Real IMEI number in current IMEI number’s option.
5) Now change your IMEI Number from New IMEI number option and click on Apply.
change imei number in android
How to Change IMEI Number
6) It will show your New IMEI number in Current IMEI number box.

How To Change Android IMEI Number Without Root (MTK Chipset Devices)

Here is the trick to change IMEI number in Android without root. No root is required in this tutorial, you only need one app called Mobile Uncle on your Android device to change its IMEI number. Let’s follow the steps to change IMEI number in un-rooted android mobile.
1) First of all download Mobile Uncle App on your device.
2) After downloading, install and open Mobile uncle app on your android.
3) Select Engineer >>> Engineer Mode (MTK) option from the app.
Change IMEI Android Without Root
4) Now scroll down and search for CDS Information option, click on it.
5) Now, click on Radio Information option.
6) Two options will appear on screen called Phone 1 and Phone 2.
7) Simply click on Phone 2 option from the list.
8) After clicking on Phone 2, you will see new option of AT+.
9) Now replace AT+ with “AT+(space)Your 15 Digit New IMEI Number Here“.
For Ex. – AT+ 123456789222254.
10) Now, click on SEND AT COMMAND.
Change IMEI Number In Any Android
11) Reboot your device and dial *#6# to check your new IMEI number.
12) Done, Your IMEI number has been successfully changed.
This is How to change IMEI Number in Android without root. I am sure, you can easily follow and change IMEI of any Android phone using this method. But, if you are able to root your device, then I recommend to follow the first method, that one is best for you.
Have you tried this method on your device? I hope it worked for you. I have tested on some MTK Chipset devices and it worked but it will not work on any other Android phone rather than this. Not all of the mobile are of MTK Chipset so the first method is the best ever guide to change Android IMEI Number in easiest steps. All you need is a rooted phone, nothing special.
Note: This tutorial is only for an Educational purpose. We are not responsible for any harm happened to your Android by this process. Use this trick on your own risk.
I hope, you have successfully learned, How to change IMEI Number in any Android device. But, if still you are facing any issue or want to ask something, you can comment below. I will surely help you to change IMEI Number in Android without root if your device is MTK Chipset device. Else, well-described tutorial to change Android IMEI Number is provided in the above section for rooted devices.
After reading this tutorial, I don’t think still you need to search on the internet regarding this. There is nothing special or hard in changing Android IMEI number, even a normal person can too do this within few minutes by following our article. But let you know if you are thinking to change Android IMEI Number without root then it will be possible only on MTK Chipset devices which are almost lost from the market. Means nowadays we all have a new Android phone with all new features. My first method is compatible with newest mobiles so go for it. Still, need any help to change IMEI Number in Android? Feel free to comment below. We will reply to you shortly.

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