How Do You Know Whether Your Instagram Direct Message Has Been Read?


First, let’s review how Instagram DMs work, in case you haven’t used Instagram direct messaging. It’s actually a quite useful and straightforward way of communicating within the app. It does not offer anything other chat apps don’t offer but it does allow dialog between individuals or groups around your picture postings.
You have a couple of ways to send a direct message:
  1. Open Instagram and log in.
  2. Select the paper plane icon in the top right of the app. This opens Instagram Direct and displays a list of your Instagram connections.
  3. Tap the person you want to send a message to or tap the + button in the upper right hand corner to just write in the username of someone you aren’t connected to.
  4. Write your message in the text box.
  5. Hit Send.
So far this is the same as just about every other chat app. The message is sent to the recipient via Instagram’s own DM system and will usually be delivered in seconds.
You can also send a message using someone’s profile. This is quite useful when you stumble across a profile with content you like or recognize and want to reach out to that person.
  1. Select the three dots in the top right corner of the person’s profile or image to access the menu.
  2. Select Send Message from the popup menu.
  3. Write the message as you normally would in the box at the bottom.
  4. Hit Send.
This latter method supposedly increases engagement within Instagram. It allows you to DM people who you do not yet follow or who do not follow you.


Like other social media apps, Instagram tells you whether a message has been delivered and read.
  • In a private message, you will see ‘Seen’ under your message when the recipient has read it.
  • In a group message, you will see a small eye next to the usernames of those who have read your Instagram direct message.


If you’re busy right now and don’t want to show someone you have read their message so they don’t badger you for a reply, you can stop Instagram from providing this information. It is the same method we use to stop read receipts in many social media apps. We turn on Airplane mode or turn off WiFi before reading.
If for any reason you don’t want people to know you have read their Instagram direct message, try this:
  1. Do not open the DM when you see it arrive.
  2. Turn off WiFi and/or cellular data or switch your phone to Airplane mode.
  3. Open the message and read it.
  4. Return to your profile page or leave the conversation.
  5. Log out and then shut down the Instagram app.
  6. Turn on WiFi and/or cellular data or switch Airplane mode off.
  7. Open Instagram if you need to but don’t go back into the conversation. If you do, the app will send a read receipt.
There are many reasons why you may not want to send a read receipt for Instagram direct messages. This method works on Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and many other social networks. Use it well!
Are there other ways to tell whether your Instagram direct message has been read? Got any other ways to avoid sending read receipts? Tell us about them below!

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