How to unblock my website URL from Facebook?

 Facebook is a great & valuable business is very difficult to know the exact reason why Facebook blocked the URL from sharing content on the site.

Why the URL blocked from Facebook?

Facebook team is very strict about what is being allowed and what is not. There are some reasons why a website banned on facebook, but the most common is if a user does the same action “too many times.” The number of times an action can be performed is unknown.
if you search on the internet why my website URL is blocked by Facebook, you will find many answers to this question. But today, we will solve this issue in order to unblock your site URL.
In this article, we will discuss why my URL is ban from Facebook and we will solve this issue. If your website is blocked by Facebook, then do the following things:

Run the site through a sharing debugger.
If your website has been blocked, it will you a warning message like below.
This webpage contains a URL that is blocked.

2. Appeal your URL through URLs' appeal sections.
Method 1
Register yourself as a Facebook Developer, and then post your issue in a related forum.
These are a few different methods that can be used to stop a website from being banned on Facebook. 
Method 2
Post an Ad through Facebook, if it gets declined, appeal the Ad too & explain that your site is verified as safe by one of the authorities mentioned above.
If the appeal is again denied, re-appeal & write the same thing. If Facebook denies many times, then delete the campaign and make a new fresh one.
Do the same thing again. If accepted, your website is no more likely to be banned.

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