How To Unfriend All Facebook Friends At Once 2019

Requirements To Remove All FB Friends Once

Before going for the steps to remove all fb friends in a single click. you must fulfill these basic requirements. Don’t worry these are some simple things which you must have before trying below shared methods to unfriend all Facebook friends. So take a look on these requirements and complete them.
  • Android Phone or PC – 2 Methods are shared below. If you don’e have a PC or laptop then, you can try second method by using your android phone.
  • Internet Connection – You must have internet connected or your pc must be connected with internet.
  • Google Chrome Browser – You must have Google Chrome Installed in your phone and PC both
  • Facebook Social Toolkit – You can download the Facebook social toolkit from chrome extensions
  • Little Brain – How you have 😛
So these are some simple requirements to be completed before following the below shared steps. I hope you are now ready with the things mentioned above. If yes, then what are you waiting for  Let’s checkout these simple steps to unfriend all fb friends at once in single click.
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How To Unfriend All FB Friends At Once ? 

Are you ready with all things mentioned above ? If yes, then follow these below shared steps to Unfriend All Facebook Friends In Single Click easily. I hope you will not get any issue while following these steps. I have added all steps with image to make this process easy. In this method you need a PC and a Facebook Social Toolkit. I hope you have both the things. So don’t waste your much more time and follow these steps.
1). At First Download Facebook Social Toolkit from below link.
). After Downloading, Add FST Extension to your google chrome browser. It may take few seconds to add.
3). Go To and Login to your Facebook Account.
4). Launch Facebook Social toolkit on Homepage and Search for Removal tools >> Unfriend Multiple Friends Tool and Click on it.
5). Now Select your friends which you wants to remove or you can click on select all friends to remove all Facebook friends in single click.
6). Scroll down the page and At last click on Start Removing Friends Option. 😛
That’s It it will take some minutes to remove your selected Facebook friends. So You have unfriended your all fb friends in just a single click. Isn’t it a simple method. Comment your views using comment section from below. Now the main question which may be in your mind now is that what if you don’t have a PC or laptop ? Don’t worry guys, After doing a lot of research I found a best working method for android users to Unfriend All Facebook Friends Once. Lets take a look on it.

Unfriends All Facebook Friends Using Android [Without PC]

If you are a android user, then this method is best one for you. You can simply unfriend your unknown Facebook friends using your mobile phone. You just have to follow these simple steps.
1). At First Go to below given link.
2). Login to your Facebook account
3). Go to Profile section and Click on Activity Log option.
Unfriends Facebook Friends in Single Click
4). Now click on filter option and Search for Friends option then tap on it.
Delete All Facebook Friends At once
5). You will see your Facebook friends list and a option to unfriend that person. Simply click on Unfriendoption one by one.
Remove All Facebook Friends Once
This is all about How To Unfriend All Facebook Friends Using Android Phone. These are some simple steps to unfriend Facebook friends at once without PC. So if you liked this post then don’t forget to share with your friends. I have tried my best and provided you best working methods to remove all Facebook friends using android phone. Earlier I have posted about YoWhatsapp Apk , Don’t forget to check it.
Your Facebook profile is clean now. So before sending friend request to any person make sure you know him/her else you may loose your account. 

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