Health tips: be careful of infection after monsoon, this is how to prevent

The risk of many infections increases after the monsoon. Among these, stomach and skin infections are prominent. Therefore, after the rainy season has passed, you should not be at all relaxed, but be careful. Selectika Corporation is giving information about prevention of such infections
monsoon skin care tips

The relationship between Kraman and Monsoon is very deep. A report from a private company also proves this. This report says that the use of Mediclaim suddenly increases in the monsoon. This causes infectious diseases. Dengue, chikungunya, malaria, viral fever, fungal infections, asthma, etc. are the main diseases spread by infection in this season.

Epidemic threat

Not a particular part of the body, but the whole body increases the risk of infection during the post-monsoon period. During monsoon season, special care is taken of the stomach, so also skin and hair. It is important to take care of them even after the monsoon.

Bacteria increases

The monsoon season is considered the season of diseases. The time after the monsoon is no less deadly. Therefore, experts believe that people get very sick in this season as compared to winter-summer. The reason for this is the temperature of this season. At this time the temperature is close to 20 to 25 degrees and there is also a lot of moisture in it. This is the reason why bacteria, viruses etc. start flourishing in large numbers.

Chikungunya - Dengue survival

This is the best time for Chikungunya-dengue infection. At this time, mosquitoes named Edis bother a lot. For this reason diseases like chikungunya-dengue start at home. Actually, these mosquitoes release the virus into the body by a single bite. People who have weak immunity, it starts affecting them. If there is a high fever, then vomiting and diarrhea are also very much. The special thing is that it goes well on its own and takes 5 to 10 days. This is why doctors only treat the symptom. Remember that mosquitoes of dengue and chikungunya bite in the morning or evening only.

When the matter came out

Although chikungunya-dengue is cured with time, but if the patient is not cured in a limited time, then platelets begin to decrease. However, only one in 100 patients have this problem. This is due to excess vomiting. In fact, electrolytes in the body are reduced due to vomiting and platelet count starts to decline.

Severe asthma

The post-monsoon period is also dangerous for asthma patients. Pollution does not occur in the air during the rains, but settles down. After the rains pass, the problem increases again due to its effect.

Take caution

Drink boiling water or add chlorine tablets to the water.
Wash hands frequently.
If you meet the patient, keep your mouth covered.
(From Physician Dr. Anil Bansal
Based on conversation)

Dirty water and malaria

Malaria is also a major problem in infections during the monsoon. This is often due to dirty water filled in the sewers or road pits, which cannot be evacuated. In this, the female Anafalis mosquito responsible for malaria builds a house. It is not difficult to get these mosquitoes inside the house. When these female mosquitoes bite, germs called plasmodium enter the body. They grow very fast in the body. Then fever also comes very fast. Anti-malarial drugs are given for treatment. The thing to keep in mind is that the outbreak of these mosquitoes increases at night. Therefore, experts recommend that you use mosquito nets in this season.

There are many reasons

These mosquitoes thrive more due to the stay of clean water.
'Therefore, it is important that rain water in pots, tires, utensils etc. should be stopped at all.

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