Adsense Approval Trick 2019 – Fast Approval With 1st Attempt

Friends, do you want to take Approval on Adsence. So definitely read this post. If you read this post completely. Let's follow everything. Then you will get 100% Adsence Approval on your website blog. In this post I am going to share with you Adsence Approval Trick. With the help of which you can take Approval in Adsence very quickly.

 Adsence Approval Trick 2019

Adsense Approval Trick - Before taking it, we have to know exactly what Google says. Which should remain on our website. If Google takes into account everything. And follow everything. So you will get 100% Google Adsence Approval. Let us tell you some mistakes. Which people often do. And because of that, their Approval is not possible. So you have to keep these things in mind.

Write High-Quality Contents

Content is the king - Content is king. What is content? We write a post or article on our website or on a blog. He calls it content. So let's know what high quality contents mean. Friends, when we write a post. Already there are a lot of posts in Google on the topic that I write. So we have to write differently. Someone's post if you don't copy. Writes by himself. So it is called High Quality Content. Do not copy anything from anywhere. You have to write everything by yourself. Then your blog will be approved by AdSense very soon.

Adsence Approval Trick 2019

Friends, every post of yours should be of 500 Words. And this is what it means to say 100% Original. That whenever we write a post. So that post should be your 500 words. And whatever you wrote in that post. That should all be your own. This increases your chances of getting Approval by 90%.

Do not write Illegal Content

If your blog or website is Adult Content, Gambling, Hacking, Casino, Drugs or Abuse Content. So you forget that you will get Approval. Because Google will never approve all this on Topic.

Blog Domain Age

According to Google's Guideline, he has some restriction on Adsence in some Asian Country. Accordingly, you cannot apply for AdSense before 6 months. If you apply, then there is a very high chance of your application being rejected. Friends, but we took approval of Google Adsense within 1 month in one of our blocks. Because all my posts in the block were all posts of High Qulity. And 100% were my own written content. If you write by yourself. High Qulity writes the post. So your AdSense account can also be approved within 1 month.

Sufficient Contents or Posts

Friends, it is not written anywhere. That you should have so many posts for approval of Google Adsense. But it is believed that if your post consists of 500 to 700 words. And good posts are high quality content posts. So the approval of Google Adsense is available very soon. If you write posts of 300 Words. So you write at least 40 to 50 posts. Then apply for Google Adsense. And if you write posts of 500 to 700 words. Then you write 20-25 posts and then apply for Google Adsense.

Other Ad Networks

Adsence Approval Trick friends, if you use any other Network Ads before applying for the approval of Google Adsense. So you remove it. Because Google does not say that any other network has to show you ads on your blog or website. Because Google Adsense is Already Ads Company. So if you already use any add. Affiliate or any other network ad. Then you remove it. And then apply for AdSense.

Do not insert Copyrights Materials

Friends, if you write a post. And inside it use Image, Videos or Text. And that is not yours. So don't ever use it. You will find a lot of websites on the Internet. In which you will get videos and images for free. So you will never use any other image, videos or text.

User Friendly Design

The design of your blog should be user friendly. This means that it must be Mobile Friendly. It should be accompanied by Navigation. Through which any visitors will be able to read your blog easily and go to the page they want to visit. Do not apply unnecessary Widgets or Image. This also reduces the loading speed of your website. Which makes it difficult to rank your website.

Do enter all these pages

It is important to have half the page in your blog, About, Contact, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy. Even with some blocks, which do not have all these pages, AdSense is inferior. If you add this page to your blog, then your chances will increase even more. It has also been seen that AdSense also approves some blogs because they send them all. All this is required for Page 1 Blog. So that your Visitor gets information about your blog or website.

Do not add more images

Adsence Approval Trick - If you apply your blog for Adsense more than the image, then your application will be rejected. Because Google is unable to read an image. Google may just need Text. It is important to have maximum text in your blog. If you apply for Google by using text, then you will get approval of Google Adsense very soon. Do not use more images in the post. You just use one or two images and write the text.

Do not buy Visitor

Friends, Google likes Real Visitors. Which come from Google search result. Otherwise, they come from Social Media Sites. Visitors can also buy for their blog traffic. But for that you have to forget Adsense. Because Google does not like Paid Traffic. If your AdSense account is also approved and you give Paid Traffic. So you have to forget your Adsense account. If 50 visitors also come to your blog every day, then it is enough to apply Adsence.

Top Level Domain

Friends, if you use a free domain in your blog / website. So you will not get approval of Google Adsense. You always use a good domain. Then use it because you do not get approval of Google Adsense on free domain.

Easy Adsence Approval Trick

If you want to get the approval of Google Adsense very soon, then keep these things in mind. 4

Always write posts above the new and latest topics for New Blog Write 15-20 posts of 500-700 words, then apply for AdSense.

Don't forget to enter the About, Contact, Disclaimer, Privacy & Policy or Terms & Conditions pages. 
Do not worry for the visitors. You can apply for Adsense for any number of visitors. Just the content of your post should be good.
After applying for Adsence, do not leave your blog like this and keep posting something. And do not copy others, write by yourself and post. 
Use a Mobile Friendly Design only. 

Be sure to read the AdSense Terms & Conditions once before applying. With this help, you can easily approve your AdSense account. If you have any problem with approval, please let me know. 

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