California Motorcycle Accident Injury Attorney | Berg Injury Lawyers


If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, seek medical attention immediately. Some motorcycle accident injuries may not manifest themselves in the moment, and the pain from more injuries may be hidden by the rush of adrenalin following the crash. It is extremely important to have a checkup with a medical professional so that a baseline for your health can be established. Getting medical attention following a crash also helps us build a stronger case for you by giving us more evidence regarding the extent of your injuries. In the wake of a crash, the rider has many issues to address to get their life back in order. Major concerns include personal injury, property damage, loss of wages if work is missed, and pain and suffering. The May Firm works with you to set a plan in motion towards your recovery. We rely on our business relationships with the medical community to assist you with getting ongoing medical care and physical therapy after the accident. Motorcycle related injuries can include skin trauma like road rash, head, neck and spine injury, lacerations, and broken bones, and the recovery process can take a significant amount of time. We work with medical partners in the community on a lien basis, so regardless of your insurance plan you can get the care you need. Their payment towards your ongoing care is factored into your settlement cost, making it one less bill to worry about as you regain your health and strength.

motorcycle accidents statistics 2013

Image result for bike accident
"Avoiding a crash on a motorcycle largely depends on your skills as a rider. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s finalized 2013 report reveals some eye-opening statistics"
In 2013, 4,668 motorcyclists were killed. There were an estimated 88,000 motorcyclists injured during 2013. Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcyclist fatalities occurred 26 times more frequently than passenger car occupant fatalities in traffic crashes. 25% of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes in 2013 were riding their vehicles without valid motorcycle licenses. n 2013, motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes were found to have the highest percentage of alcohol-impaired drivers than any other vehicle type: 27% for motorcycles, 23% for passenger cars, 21% for light trucks and 2% for large trucks. Motorcycle riders killed in traffic crashes at night were almost four times more frequently alcohol-impaired than those killed during the day. NHTSA estimates that helmets saved 1,630 motorcyclists’ lives in 2013, and that 715 more could have been saved if all motorcyclists had worn helmets. In States without universal helmet laws, 59% of motorcyclists killed in 2013 were not wearing helmets, as compared to 8 percent in States with universal helmet laws.

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