Is your Adsense account in danger?

I can’t tell you how times I have seen bloggers Adsense account just out the blue suspended or out right-banned.
 It’s an incredibly frustrating situation for those bloggers who are following all the rules and are 
not actively doing anything nefarious. Which is not only possible. It’s actually quite common.
 So here are a couple of things you need to be looking at to tell if your Adsense account is in danger of 
being suspended or disabled.

Get to know your Adsense numbers.

Most bloggers simply don’t pay attention to their numbers.
 In fact, the only number they pay attention to how 
the money they earned.
 This is a colossal mistake! You need to be paying attention to underlying numbers as well.
 Not only are important in understanding your traffic 
and fine-tuning your blog to it help you make money. 
They also play a crucial role in helping you keep your Adsense account out of
 danger from suspension and termination. 

Invalid Traffic

The first number you need to be looking at to tell if your  Is your Adsense account in
 danger is your invalid traffic.
 Invalid traffic is calculated on a monthly basis.
 “Invalid traffic includes any clicks or impressions that may artificially inflate an
 advertiser’s costs or a publisher’s earnings”
 Invalid traffic covers intentionally fraudulent traffic as well as accidental clicks.
 (For a more complete definition of what Invalid Traffic is click here) Every month you
 need to be keeping an eye on how much traffic your sites are generating. If you are 
generating a large number of invalid traffic when compared to your valid traffic earnings.
 Your Adsense account may be in danger.
Now to be clear every site generates invalid traffic. There is always going some invalid traffic
 no matter what you do. From people inadvertently clicking ads to random bots crawling your

 sites. You’re going to get some. However, if you earned $100 in a month and it is determined

 that a large portion of that is invalid traffic. That is the problem you are going to want to
 address before it’s too late.
I love to tell you at what percentage of invalid traffic to valid traffic you should be
 comfortable with. However, Google does not release such numbers as they feel
 that would be giving those looking to cheat the system guidance on how to do so.
 The only thing you can do is keep a close eye on it. If you are consistency getting
 a large number of invalid traffic compared to your valid traffic. You might want to
 temporarily disable your account until you can find out what the problem is and where
 your invalid traffic is coming from.
Invalid Traffic can be found underpayments in your Google Adsense account

Adsense CTR (Click Through Rate)

Image result for adsense ctr
The next thing bloggers and website owners should be paying close attention to tell
 if your Adsense account in danger is their CTR. CTR stands for click-through rate.
 If an ad is shown 100 times on your site and only one person clicks on the ad. Your
 CTR would be one percent. You need to protect yourself from High CTR rate.
Depending on the ad type and content. Ads based on my research in general across
 the broad spectrum have 2 to 3 CTR rate on average. So your website CTR should
 be following along those same lines. For example, the image below is the CTR rate 
for last 3 months Bloggers Traffic Community.

How to Access Your Detailed CTR Stats

Image result for Access Your Detailed CTR Stats
To see your lifetime CTR for individual site or sites
1.Log in your Adsense Account
2.Select Reports for the side panel
3.Select the date range in the upper right panel
4.Select sites under All Reports in the left panel
5. Click on the Tab Clicks
If you wanted a complete breakdown country you would follow
 the same steps but instead of selecting sites in step two. 
You would instead select countries instead.
There a wealth of information contained your Adsense account analytics that can
 help you in other ways besides keeping track of your CTR. Nothing is however
 more important than guarding against abnormally high CTR. High CTR is a major
 red flag that something is amiss with your site and it can and will lead you to getting
 your site banned.

How does abnormally High CTR happen?

Image result for ban adsense

High CTR can happen for a lot of reasons but briefly here is brief rundown.
1. The website owner is openly (against Adsense Policy) and actively asking
 for others to click the ads on their site.
2. The website owner is trying to drive traffic to their website by using services
 that claim to be Adsense safe. (Hint none of them are)
3. Malicious behavior from coming from outsides forces. There are bots and scripts
 that target Adsense accounts.
Obviously, 3 is most scary for Adsense users because it’s out of your control. 
However, if you keep track of numbers you should be able to stop it and catch 
it before you get banned. Even if that means temporary shutting down your Adsense
 until you can sort the problem out.

Adsense in Danger Conclusion 

While nobody knows all the ways on how to keep yourself from getting your
 Adsense account banned. Only Google knows that and they are not sharing.
 However, having High Invalid Traffic and High CTR rateare surely the most
 common ways that your Adsense account is in danger of getting banned.
 Knowing and keeping track of these numbers will significantly reduce the chance
 of it happening.
Thanks for reading and happy blogging!
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