How to fix white screen issue in iPhone X

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The list of problems that iPhone X users face is long. From iMessages being sent to the wrong recipients, charging issues, washed out screens, battery drains and apps not working well with the app, the update has unfortunately not managed to tackle a plethora of issues, but the silver lining is because a lot of these issues plague a number of people, there are also creative solutions available out there that are designed to tackle the issues.
One of the problems that have been observed in iPhone X after it was upgraded to iOS 12 is WhatsApp showing up as a blank white screen. None of the chats or contacts show up in the app. There are no problems with the messages being delivered to you, you receive notifications just like before but when you open the notification, you are taken to a blank white page. If you are looking for a solution to this problem, following the steps that have been given below will help you.

Step 1: Unlock your iPhone X.
Step 2: Go to the main menu.
Step 3: Tap on the WhatsApp icon and hold it.
Step 4: It will start to wiggle, click on the little cross icon that pops up on the top-right corner.
Step 5: This will have uninstalled WhatsApp from your iPhone X.
Step 6: The next thing you have to do is restart your iPhone X.
Step 7: Find WhatsApp on the App Store and install it on your iPhone X again.
After you have reinstalled WhatsApp, you can restore the backup from either the backup that is present in the iPhone itself or from the cloud.
If any of the other apps that you have installed on your iPhone exhibit the same problems, you can use this technique to resolve the issue of the white screen popping up on those as well. The other option that you have to solve the issue of the white screen that might pop up when you are using other apps on your iPhone is to reset the app that is giving you the problem.

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